On-Campus Accommodations

2024 Crypto & Affiliated Events

August 16–August 23, 2024



  • Accommodations are only available in the pre-arranged packages listed below.
  • Rooms without meals are not available. No adjustments for uneaten meals can be made for any package.
  • Prices below include applicable taxes.
  • Parking is not included in the packages below. Guests are responsible for purchasing a parking permit if they are bringing a vehicle to campus. Please refer to the On-Campus Accommodations page for more information.
  • All fees listed are per person.

Check-In: Beginning at 7am on Friday, August 16
Check-Out: by 5pm for Thursday, August 22 departures and by 2pm for Friday, August 23 departures


When you register, you will select pre-arranged package options based on your check-in & check-out dates.

Dining commons meals are included with the Anacapa and Santa Rosa acocommodation packages, with the exception of Saturday to Thursdy lunches, which are included in the Affiliated Events and/or Crypto conference registration fees.

*NOTE: If your accompanying guest/spouse has not registered for the conference, dining commons lunch meal tickets would need to be purchased separately. Guest meal tickets can be purchased via the Crypto registration site, at the conference registration desk on-site, or with a credit card at the door of the dining commons.

  • Show your conference name badge at the door of De La Guerra Dining Commons for Lunch (Sat -Thurs).
  • On Saturday and Sunday, De La Guerra lobby staff will allow blue name badges to enter at lunch (meal covered by AE or AE+Crypto registration fee), but guests with a white name badge (Crypto only) or just their residence hall room keys will be asked to purchase their lunch with a credit card.
  • Show your room key tag at the door of De La Guerra Dining Commons for Breakfasts (and Fri, Sat, Thurs Dinners).

Single - 1 person per room

Shared - 2 people per room

*Meals listed with red text and asterisk are included in the conference registration, and not the housing registration.





Meal Tax
when applicable

Meals Included



August 16–August 18





  • Fri: dinner in dining commons
  • Sat: breakfast/lunch*/dinner in dining commons
  • Sun: breakfast in dining commons

Affiliated Events


August 16–August 19





  • Fri: dinner in dining commons
  • Sat: breakfast/lunch*/dinner in dining commons
  • Sun: breakfast/lunch*/dinner in dining commons
  • Mon: breakfast in dining commons

Affiliated Events


August 17 - August 19





  • Sat: dinner in dining commons
  • Sun: breakfast/lunch*/dinner in dining commons
  • Mon: breakfast in dining commons

Affiliated Events


August 16–August 22





  • Fri: dinner in dining commons
  • Sat: breakfast/lunch*/dinner in dining commons
  • Sun: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Mon: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Tue: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Wed: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Thu: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons

Affiliated Events



August 16–August 23





  • Fri: dinner in dining commons
  • Sat: breakfast/lunch*/dinner in dining commons
  • Sun: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Mon: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Tue: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Wed: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Thu: breakfast/lunch*/dinner in dining commons
  • Fri: breakfast & lunch in dining commons

Affiliated Events



August 17–August 22





  • Sat: dinner in dining commons
  • Sun: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Mon: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Tue: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Wed: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Thu: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons

Affiliated Events



August 17–August 23





  • Sat: dinner in dining commons
  • Sun: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Mon: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Tue: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Wed: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Thu: breakfast/lunch*/dinner in dining commons
  • Fri: breakfast & lunch in dining commons

Affiliated Events



August 18–August 22





  • Sun: catered dinner*
  • Mon: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Tue: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Wed: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Thu: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons



August 18–August 23





  • Sun: catered dinner*
  • Mon: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Tue: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Wed: breakfast & lunch* in dining commons; catered dinner*
  • Thu: breakfast/lunch*/dinner in dining commons
  • Fri: breakfast & lunch in dining commons



  • If a guest/spouse will accompany you, the double-occupancy package rate must be paid for each person.
  • Submit housing registration for the main participant
  • During the registration process, you will have the opportunity to add an additional attendee
  • Click the "Add Another Attendee" link under the total
  • Be sure to indicate each other's names in the "referred roommate" question field
  • NOTE: If your accompanying guest/spouse has not registered for the Crypto conference, dining commons lunch meal tickets would need to be purchased separately. Guest meal tickets can be purchased at the conference registration desk on-site, or with a credit card at the door of the dining commons.